

Welcome to a special page, devoted to exploring new uses and features of the Aronson stack.

Simon Aronson created his stack over 40 years ago, and used it privately for many years. When he published his treatise on the memorized deck in Card Ideas (1978), many magicians requested that he release his specific stack, so they could learn it. So, the following year, Simon published his booklet A Stack to Remember (1979), which set forth the Aronson stack, Simon’s complete set of mnemonics for learning it, and also the many built-in features unique to this arrangement (including three different poker demonstrations, a perfect bridge hand, poker routines, the Zens stack, and a spelling feature). Both Card Ideas and A Stack to Remember are reprinted in full in Bound to Please.

Many top-notch magicians realized the exciting potential that this tool had opened up, and soon began creating their own exciting magic with memorized decks in general and with the Aronson stack in particular. And Simon himself kept creating and exploring this area.  But Simon also unearthed and created a host of new features and effects lurking within his own stack - exciting, fast, visual magic that is almost "automatic" (if you have the Aronson stack handy). And much of this material leaves the stack intact, a boon to the walkaround magician. Simon recently published a 70+ page collection of this new material in his treatise "Unpacking the Aronson Stack," as a chapter in his newest book Try the Impossible (2001).


Even since Try the Impossible, new, strong effects and features with the Aronson stack are still being created. Some are Simon’s ideas, and some are those of his friends worldwide who use his stack. If you’re just learning the Aronson stack, how would you like a simple computer program to help you practice, to quiz you? Simon wants to share these latest tools and ideas, with all users and would-be practitioners of the Aronson stack.

Just click on the relevant title:

The Stack Quizzer (Mark Harris).

Thoughts on the Triple Poker Routine (Dennis Loomis)

Active Aces (Simon)

Challenge Aces (Gene Castillon)

Kruskal meets the Aronson Stack (Dennis Loomis)

Plunger Lie Detector (Joshua Jay)

The Calendar Card (Simon)

Binary Think-a-Card (Mergel Funsky)

Think a Card in the Aronson Stack

If you have some original ideas that are specific to the Aronson stack and you want to share them, send them to Simon. He’ll publish those he thinks are worthy of general interest on these pages, with credit to all contributors.

Copyright Simon Aronson 2014
